Finding Your Purpose as a MAN!

1 year ago

Oh MEN! How does one come to find their purpose?!?!!? Remember the PROMISE we made before we came into this life?!?!?!

Before I get into it, as a heads up... I'm rather passionate and at times 'shouty' throughout this video. Ladies, this video isn't really for you - among men such talk is at times necessary - a bit of tough LOVE so to speak. Are you game? Well then watch and read on!

In this video I go into some detail on the essential aspects of what is needed for a man to find his purpose, which should be ALL consuming to him...

Some of the points covered include:
* ReWilding yourself as a man (cold/natural water exposure, barefoot, climbing trees and rocks, making whatever noise you want, learning how to survive in your environment etc....)
* Finding a traditional weapon that FEELS like YOUR weapon and practising with it somewhere safe where you're not going to get arrested or inadvertently hurt someone... (is it the sword/spear/bow/staff/axe/etc...?)
* Practising a martial Art that you feel drawn towards, AND ensuring that in its practice you have real and grounded preparation for the REAL thing.
* Learning to listen to and follow the signs and clues that life gives you, to follow the unfolding path upon the river of life.... IF you are lucky enough to reach MY level of enlightenment, so you too may one day be blessed with two ducks randomly swimming in the ocean!
* In many ways it is something that you will of always been motivated by and drawn towards since being a boy, a theme, a quest of your very own..... that hints towards the promise you gave to the AllFather before coming into this life as one of HIS sons and protectors of his realm.
* Working to rediscover and reconnect with your #wildtwin your #animalaspect
* And last but by no means least..... so as a MAN you MUST come to proactively and with utter devotion, seek your own healing and growth... in doing so your purpose will be revealed so clearly, so perfectly, that it makes such perfect sense when it does - and you feel such relief that at last there is something you can give yourself up to with EVERYTHING that you are...

** Benefits include life bringing the woman made for you to your side at some point, such a woman being in many ways, your greatest enjoyment-reward-relief for being a TRUE MAN.

One of my earlier remembering's (2012ish) of what MY purpose was... was the following code. (There is a video on my promise on the channel).
* To lead by example
* To Love
* To Protect

You may find me a little intense in this video... I trust it, and so you should too.

As long as you are respectful - you may ask anything in the comments and I'll endeavour to reply in comment or video at a later date.

To do the right thing, no matter the cost
To seek truth, no matter how terrible

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