Need to Know (14 September 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

US intel is taking credit for (apparent) Ukrainian success in forcing Russia troops to retreat, which will be hailed until the trap is sprung and they are decimated by air and artillery bombardment. Stand by! Biden uses 9/11 as another occasion to attack at least half the country for being on the wrong side politically, but where his popularity is actually down to around 12%, which means even most Democrats are disenchanted with him, and their prospects for the midterms look grim. Mike Adams outlines what may be in the offing to cover the financial collapse of the West and blame it on Russia, which (I regret to say) looks entirely plausible to me. Israel rejects any responsibility for killing an American-Palestinian journals, which appears to have been a deliberate act of murder. And Howard Stern outs himself as a world-class LSA (leaping, screaming asshole). A correspondent of long standing offers his assessment of which is to come as the domestic counterpart to the international scenario sketched by Mike Adams, none of which looks good for human beings and other living things.

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