RT News - September 15th 2022 Late

1 year ago

Advocating for a multipolar world, not based on someone's personal rules - that's how Vladimir Putin describes the stance of the strong ties between Moscow and Beijing at a summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Brussels has been slammed after telling people to send their bills to Moscow as Europeans struggle with soaring energy prices. The International Red Cross says the global hunger issue emerged long before the Ukraine conflict, despite the West trying to pin the blame on Russia.
A family of four were killed by a US fired HIMARS bomb as they crossed the road in Lugansk and bombing by Ukraine killed one and injured many in Donetsk (warning, gory over 18).
Belgorod (Russia) continues to be hit with HIMARS.
In Donetsk, shells carrying "petal mines" continue to fall in civilian only areas.
The food security crisis is not the fault of Russia or the special operation in Ukraine - International Red Cross report.
In Bulgaria, farmers are protesting the fall of grain prices, blames EU and government (QueenStreet comment: recall the shipments intended for Africa have been taken by EU and UK and have been distributed around EU and UK by now, also the sanctions on Russian and Belarus fertilisers)
Germany and other countries are crossing red lines in respect of supplying weapons and vehicles to Ukraine (QueenStreet comment : at their citizens expense)
Protest in Haiti as their government doubles the price of fuel. Pro-government journalists have been killed.

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