Melbourne Protest Rally - 10 09 2022 - Part 5 of 10

1 year ago

Marching up Elizabeth Street to Lonsdale Street.
Stand at Elizabeth Street & Lonsdale Street intersection.

Two times Ambulance Vehicles went through intersection while intersection was clear of Freedom Protest Rally People.
However there was delay in Criminals On Patrol getting out of the Ambulance Vehicles way.
Treasonous Lying MSM may say something completely different despite video evidence showing the truth.

Criminals On Patrol - Foreign Mercenaries push people aside so cars can go through Freedom Rally Protest March.

motor cyclist with License Plate No# 20 - 1BL makes rude hand gestures to Freedom Rally Protest People - once it sees it is on video it starts to charge towards me - until it notices Clowns In Costumes Around.

Clown In Costume on a few occasions referred to the Freedom Rally Protest People as "idiots".

March up Elizabeth Street to La Trobe Street.
Stand at La Trobe Street.
March up La Trobe Street.

Someone Just off camera but walks into camera view who makes rude hand gestures to Freedom Rally Protest People on La Trobe street.
March up La Trobe Street to Victoria State Library.

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