Pastor René

1 year ago

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Senior Pastor and Founder
Pastor René is a prophetic preacher that brings a NOW and challenging word to the body. She is a member of the International Coalition of Prophetic Leaders.
Her desire is to see the body equipped to live the life God has ordained for them, to see Christians rise up, move and live in the power of the Holy Spirit. René longs for the body of Christ to experience the love of the Father to the point that all shackles fall from their lives and to the point of bringing great unity. She also desires to see the body push in to a place of holiness and a burning desire to see and live in a genuine move of God.
René is the host of a weekly radio show called the Barefoot Preacher on Hope FM 94.3 on your dial in Woodstock or
London on FAITH FM 99.9
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Pastor Brad McIntyre
Senior Pastor and Co-Founder
Pastor Brad is a man of many talents. He has sacrificed daily to make this ministry become a reality. Without Pastor Brad's skill and dedication this ministry would never have come to be. He is the perfect counter to his wife, Pastor René, and brings to the table many gifts and talents. He has a love for history and for the five women in his life, his wife, two amazing daughters and two granddaughters. Pastor Brad loves to serve the Lord in many practical ways, from building projects to leading our men's ministry. He has a heart to see the men of the church rise up and become all they have been created to be in the church, family and workplace.

Our Story
A Ministry Is Born Isaiah 58:1
After René attended Brownsville Revival School Of Ministry in Florida, she heard the still small voice of God that said He was calling her to start a ministry called Trumpet Of Truth. After years of preparation and one incredible encounter with God, she was commissioned to step out and begin to build what is now a growing ministry that challenges and equips the body to be accountable for their faith and call both individually and corporately. Together they shepherd the ministry and its people.
There is a clarion call that comes forth from the pulpit, to rise up, take responsibility for our thoughts, actions and lives and to become accountable to the Word of God that is able to transform the life of anyone willing to take it seriously. It is made clear that every one is a minister of the gospel and are challenged to reach out and share what the Lord has done for them.
"Ministry is not held for clergy alone, it is to be exemplified in the lives of all believers in every area of influence one has, always led by the spirit of love." - Pastor René McIntyre


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Trumpet Of Truth

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