Current morning routine

1 year ago

What breakfast would you have after a nice long walk?

I wanted to share this post because I’ve just moved into this place for two weeks, looking after these two dogs, and we’re going for long walks in nature in the morning like I used to! It has really impacted me in a positive way - mental health, calmness, productivity, lower body strength & fitness, and also feeling sleepy at the right time in the evening.

This walk is about 45 mins up and down hills and is working the legs! Hiking is such a good method of fitness 🏔

If you have a chance to get out in nature first thing in the morning then give it a go ☺️

Happy day 15 of the #CrockFitApp #BackToFitness September Challenge!

#morningroutine #morning #routine #fitness #health #weightloss #health #nature #crockfitcommunity

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