Law of Assumption in Action

2 years ago

Law of Assumption in Action

Whatever you assume to be true is what you will experience, that is how the law works. It doesn’t matter if your assumption is right or wrong the universe has to present to you what you’re consistently focusing on.

Considering this, it is imperative that you be conscious of what you’re thinking. You can’t spend your time thinking negative things and expect great experiences, that’s like requesting strawberry ice scream and expecting chocolate.

Whatever you request is what you will receive it’s really that simple. Be sure to focus on the good things in your life and the direction you desire to see your life going in.

If you find yourself having undesirable thoughts, distract yourself, recite mantras, sing your favorite song, start dancing. Do whatever it takes to shift your thoughts and how you’re feeling.

When you’re intentionally manifesting you should keep your focus on the end result. If you’re seeking a new car, the end result is you driving the car to run errands, if it’s a specific person, the end is being old together etc.

Keep your focus on the things that you desire to experience which should be aligned with the things that bring you peace, joy and happiness.

When you’re vibrationally aligned with your desire it will externalize into your life. Don’t worry about the how and when, just know the seed has been planted and now you just allow it to flourish in the time it’s supposed to!♥️

If this message resonates with you check out my Self Concept Manifesting E-Guide, it will provide you with the tools you need to work on your self concept, boost your confidence in yourself, guide you through the steps of intentional manifesting and help you transition to living on your terms.

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