Melbourne Protest Rally - 10 09 2022 - Part 3 of 10

1 year ago

Protest Rally March down Burke Street.
Long line of Criminals On Patrol - Clowns In Costumes - Scum and Low Life Thugs.
Covid-19 Vaccine Don't Risk Your Child Truck with multiple images of Vaccine Injured people and their "Side Effects" ( Side Effects By Design ? ? ).

Stand at Burke Street & Russell Street intersection.
March down Russell Street.
Stand at Russell Street & Collins Street.

March down Russel Street.
Someone with their face covered with a Feeding Trough follows us to ensure his entire face was not recorded until someone pointed out to them that their face is covered with a face mask and therefore their face could not be seen.

March down Russell Street to Flinders Street.
Clowns In Costumes line up along the yellow line on the road.
March down Flinders Street to Flinders Street & Swanston Street Intersection.

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