UFO crash - URSS - KGB production -1969

2 years ago

This is a video made of video excerpts from a documentary (from the series “Scifi”) about the UFO crash of 1969 Soviet Union from old KGB films. Included is an autopsy of extraterrestrial being's body parts. The series title "scifi" might have been chosen to help not being censured while investigating real phenomena often used in scifi movies.
Assumption: UFOs crashes are social experiment performed in different countries by extraterrestrials to check the level of sanity of those countries (ex: if we use UFO technology to help society and what we do with the living entities found in the crash). Entities found alive in the crashes are biological robots programmed to record and transmit everything they experience. Some countries may not have scored well... These scores might be used to determine the probability of humanity passing through the "great filter"...
Other thoughts: This shows that the Fermi paradox is not a paradox. Furthermore, many do not undertstand that one of the most important implication of Fermi's idea is that all life that has been propagated in our galaxy has been put on planets artificially (vast terraforming enterprise). Conclusion: we all have parents from space... Fermi asked "Where are they?" They have been there all along being at the source of all religions (life created by beings from space). And now they are observing humanity: lots of UFOs and few past UFO crashes.

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