Lets ancient Qigong for modern times there is more then meet the eyes

1 year ago

World Health #Qigong day 10 september
look how many places next to me and behind me
#Macau #China #中國 #澳門 yet the main event is more near Zhuhai at Workers Stadium
Coach and athlete Nikola Maricic 馬司洋 教練 is a certified coach and team member of 澳門健身氣功總會 Associação Geral de Saúde Qigong de Macau Macau Health Qigong General Association and Chinese Health Qigong Association
increase muscle strength and flexibility
improve lower back pain
encourage blood circulation
helps combating stress and depression
Better functioning of internal organs,beneficial to people suffering from Diabetes,Heart Problem,Kidney problems etc.
Reduce high blood pressure
Improvement on mental attitude and power of perception as well as overall physical fitness
improvement on flexibility of joints,thus beneficial to people with Athritis。
Reduce the loss of Calcium thus improve bone density,thus beneficial to people suffer from Osteoporosis
The cardiovascular and respiratory functions are markedly improved
---There are many other Physical and psychological benefits apart from the ones mentioned above。
Health Qigong is truly a amazing exercise system suitable for people of all ages and all levels of physical ability
Teacher Nikola is official champion of Chinese Health Qigong Association in Anhui several times, International Health Qigong Federation World Champion 4 times World champion and Macau health Qigong general Association Macau champion 7 years

In Total 15 events on this 2022 Macau Health Qigong Championships coach Nikola won 4, that is almost 30 percent of total gold medals, 2 are individual with Wu Qin Xi and Ba Duan Jin and 2 with a group Da Wu and Ma Wang Dui 教練老師馬司洋 教你练健身氣功

Let Teacher Nikola 4 times World health Qigong Champion Teach You Health Qigong and Prepare you for 2023 Macau Health Qigong Championships. Share invite friends family and next year you and your group can join because coach Nikola can teach You #Sports #體育 我教田徑錦標賽100米
\n健身气功八段锦 Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin
八段锦产生于中国宋代(公元960年— 1279年)以前,在明(公元1368年— 1644年),清(公元1644年— 1911年)时期逐渐发展并完善,是历代养生家和习练者共同创造的传统健身方法。八段锦动作简单易学,健身效果良好,是中华养生文化中的瑰宝。一直深受广大群众的喜爱。
Ba Duan Jin(eight excellent movements)emerged before the Song dynasty(960-1279.A.D。and gradually developed to a perfect degree during the periods of the Ming(1368-1644 A.D.)and Qing dynasties(1644-1911 A.D.)。Being a traditional health promoting exercise jointly developed by the masters of the regimen and practitioners in the past dynasties,Ba Duan Jin,the treasure of the Chinese regimen culture is popular with the broad mass,for its movements are simple and easy to learn,and bring about good results in health-building。
Health Qigong-Ba Duan Jin embodies the essences of different schools,and preserves the formed movements and style in the main。On the bases of the Modern Athletic Science and physiology,the order of the movements has been changed and the amount of physical exercise regulated reasonably,so as to make it more suitable,effective and standardized。
The characteristics of movements of Health Qigong-Ba Duan Jin are gentle,slow,smooth and coherent,unfold and elegant; and it couples tension with relaxation,activeness with quietness。Ba Duan Jin leads to good health by harmonious conjugation of mind,breath and movements。
Scientific studies show that Health Qigong-Bo Duan Jin can enhance the functions of the respiratory,nervous and cardiovascular systems,build up the cellular immune function and the ability to resist senility,adjust the psychological state。strengthen the limbs and joints,and improve the equilibrium of the body。
come and start training share like and subscribe
find teacher Nikola on #tiktok, #instagram, #facebook, on other #youtube channels available for you to find so you can start your #sport #NOW and start winning
teacher Nikola teach basics and conditioning for many sports some of them are table tennis, track & field, football, tennis, marathon , you name it lets go
Teacher Nikola classes are sustainable and all of the emotions are recycled and nature friendly
What he teach is transformation not release
more here https://wushunikolas.wordpress.com/20...
In 2018 Coach Nikola Maricic achieved something that is rare became triple Macau Champion in 3 sports: Wushu, Health Qigong and Taekwondo
1. Macau Health Qigong Champion 4 gold medals on 6. may 2018
2. Macau Taijiquan Wushu Champion 42 taijiquan form 23 to 27 april 2018
3. Macau Taekwondo poomsae champion Master division 14 and 15 april 2018
and can teach you and your children even more

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