Monkey and human salad food

1 year ago

Monkeys, like humans, belong to the "primates" in zoology. Compared with other mammals, primates are mainly characterized by:

The limbs are long and have a clear division of labor, the joints are flexible and easy to use, the thumb can be held with other four fingers, and the hands have a certain operating function;

Have the ability to distinguish colors;

The binoculars are similar to human beings. They are long in front of the head and have the function of "double vision". They can accurately judge the distance;

The upper and lower jaws are short, the brain cavity is large, the brain is developed, and the intelligence is high.

It is widely distributed all over the world. In terms of evolutionary degree, it can be divided into three categories: low, medium and high. The lower classes include lemurs, rhesus monkeys, baby monkeys, tree bear monkeys, lazy monkeys, tarsal monkeys, etc; Middle class, such as marmosets, ganglion monkeys, capuchins, and various macaques with cheek pouches, omnivores, and vegetarians; The higher classes are also called "apes", including gibbons, apes and giant apes (commonly known as gorillas). If distinguished from physical features, those with tails are called "monkeys" and those without tails are called "apes". From the perspective of intellectual development, apes have greater advantages. Monkeys in China include macaques, golden monkeys, red faced monkeys, hairy macaques, Taiwan macaques, black leaf monkeys, white headed leaf monkeys, etc; Apes include black gibbon, white eyebrow, white palm, white narrow gibbon, brown ape (orangutan), etc. Monkeys in nature are witty, witty, mischievous and funny. They have strong imitation ability and habits very similar to human beings. They are the most proud "stars" of the circus and monkey charmers. They also ask for food from pedestrians and play with people. If monkeys are trained, they can help humans to do many simple jobs, such as herding, picking fruits, passing letters, and some even learn to use spoons to feed bedridden patients, open refrigerators to get drinks, and turn on and off lights. Therefore, monkeys have received human attention, love and protection. Overview of primates: Among more than 4000 kinds of mammals in the world, about 300 species are primates (also known as primates), which is the first animal group named by Swedish biologist Linnaeus, meaning "the spirit and the head of all living beings". Primates include all kinds of monkeys, apes without tails and us humans. Human beings are one of the primates. Like all species in the world, they also have a Latin scientific name, HomeSapiens, or Homo sapiens.

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