Operation STEEL - RF Generation Shmup Club Sep 2022 | GBG

1 year ago

The "Rogue-lite" style of gaming has taken off in the last few years. From RPGs to action platformers, plenty of developers have thrown their hat into the ring, making games with randomized elements to try and spur replay. Some of those games have proven quite successful. Others have fallen by the wayside, not quite finding an audience. One genre where a degree of randomness has always been a factor is shooting games, but usually within pretty tight constraints. What happens when you throw caution to the wind, and go random in a big way?

You get a shoot-em-up like Operation STEEL! From developer Undermog Games, Operation STEEL sees you piloting a space ship across various landscapes to take on random hoards of enemies. Are you tough enough to survive 20 randomized levels? Test your mettle against all manner of crazy bosses, and enemy waves you can't predict! Collect coins and buy weapons and upgrades for your ship to make your runs through the game easier, as well. Join the RF Generation Shmup Club in September 2022 as we play Operation STEEL! Available now on Steam.

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