
2 years ago

I’m going to say something really unpopular now days… this is the quiet out loud…so here we go…the color of your skin doesn’t matter. It’s not the most important thing about you.

It’s A thing about you. But I’d argue it’s not even in the top 10 of most important things about you.

It’s a physical attribute that holds no bearing, zero, on your worth, on your value, or on your humanity.

It doesn’t make you a good or bad person. It doesn’t make you always right or always wrong. It doesn’t hold you back or propel you forward. It does not define you.

You are free from the color of your skin.

And anyone who tell you otherwise…is a liar.

You want to know how I can boldly declare that? Because Jesus!

Galations 3:28 - for you are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus.

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