1 year ago

In this webinar, Dr Tom gets better and sharper and more forceful than ever. This seminar is so important because Dr Tom has been hammering down right at the heart of the problem. it's the system. The whole system NOT ONLY whose nature is flawed and so destructive, but its corruptive structure is also designed to give power only to psychopaths, to reward only crooks, and cowards, but to oppress and mercilessly punish good, righteous, honest, and brave people. Under this system, morality, virtues, righteousness, principles , honesty ... all become detriment of successful material life. The system we are living in is designed to enslave people with lies, brute force, indoctrination, fear, dependency, and obedience.

IMHO, as I have pointed out, the whole so-called "truth freedom anti vax movement" is just a big shill that was designed and has been engineered not only to gaslight people deeper into the imagined virus trap, but also to give angry but gullible people a false hope in the corrupt judicial system with exhausting, wasteful and endless futile legal battles in order to weaken the true opposition and keep those angry people at bay.

As a non-medical but very political person, I would prefer the title "WHAT THE WORLD WOULD LOOK LIKE IF EVERYONE NOW REALIZED THAT THEY HAVE BEEN DELIBERATELY LIED TO and DECIEIVED BY GOVERNMENTS about the deadly VIRUSES that did not exist at all. (Well, it's just me, I know!)

Anyway, I could not help but shamelessly say that I am very happy because today I have found at least one person, even better, a medical doctor, who holds a very similar political conviction to mine (at least on calling out the system and on the "money")

It's all about the system. The whole system and its institutions. Obviously!

So if you cannot get rid of it yet, at least try to get out of it now! It's not easy for many people since the whole world has been got used to this for thousands of years, and now under modern nation-state, many, if not overwhelming majority , have become deeply "dependent" on it materially and mentally!
Please don't repeat "who will build the roads, make the laws, print the "money", defend the weak, care for the sick...and make wars for the riches" :-)

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