Goatmans Bridge - The most haunted bridge in Texas - Made contact with Oscar Washburn - 👻S1E1👻

2 years ago

Join the Otherworldly Oddities crew as we take a trip to Old Alton Bridge (Goatmans Bridge) in Lantana, Texas. We caught some serious activity and we met some very nice people during this investigation. As always, headphones are recommended for hearing what we captured. And we seriously hope you enjoy this video and as always LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for more content.

Goatman's Bridge
Locally, the bridge is known as Goatman's Bridge, as it is said to be haunted by a half-man half-goat figure called Goatman. The belief is based on the legend of a black goat farmer named Oscar Washburn, who was said to have moved his family to a residence just north of the bridge. A few years later, Washburn, having become known as a dependable and honest businessman and dubbed the "Goatman" by locals, displayed a sign on Alton Bridge reading "This way to the Goatman". But the success of a black man was still unwelcome to many, and, in August 1938, Klansmen in the local government crossed the bridge and kidnapped Washburn from his family. They hung a noose on Old Alton Bridge and, after securing it around his neck, threw him over the side. When they looked down to see if he had died, the noose was empty. In a panic, they returned to his family home and slaughtered his wife and children.

Locals warn that if you cross the bridge at night without headlights (as the Klansmen are said to have done), you will be met on the other side by the Goatman. Ghostly figures and strange lights are said to appear in the surrounding woods, as well as reports of visitors being touched, grabbed, and having rocks thrown at them.

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Goatman's Bridge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Alton_Bridge
Wayne Stuart Ryan: https://www.dentonisd.org/domain/3517

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