Fetterman is not up for the JOB

2 years ago

There are committed people that want to see the pickens unsealing of the ballots. There are some dedicated people in the county that will do all they can to see it through but BKP doesn’t believe the ballots will ever be unsealed. There are several in the county that can’t accept that Brad Raffenperger won the county.
If you are looking for something for the kids to do. The bill that Ron DeSantis signed in FL, “Don’t Say Gay”. They went nuts in FL. They want to gay up your kids. The kids don’t know they are gay but there is an army of people out there telling them they are gay. There is a reason why they are telling the age of accountability in school at the age of 13. They are trying to alter your children. There is a kids & youth night at a coffee shop, dray story hour in Athens. They are recruiting.
Last night Tucker Carlson did a segment on the growth on the back of John Fetterman’s neck. This morning on the Morning Joe did a six minute clip on John Fetterman’s health. Fetterman has had a massive stroke, he is the current Lt. Gov and the people of PA are paying his salary and is he up for the job. The citizens of PA should know the health of their LT. Gov. Fetterman can not talk in complete sentences and can not put a paragraph together since the stroke. The only times he has been out on the trail is during prearranged staged settings 5 minutes at a time. They are praying that abortion will stick.

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