The party at the White House and Prices are Up

2 years ago

After the inflation numbers out yesterday showing plus 8.3% and CNN runs with the royals had dinner last night.
Biden said the people won. They had a party at the White House yesterday, the Inflation Reduction Act party. The democrats are in big trouble. The Red Wave is coming. It is going to be so enormous. The Networks are begging you to watch them. They are pushing the abortion, Jan 6, and the documents at mar-a-lago, begging you to watch. And if all else fails go back to Russia.
Did John Podesta come back to steal 370B from the American people on the ever ever ever climate change act with the special interest lost.
INterest rates will be going up next week. You will be paying more on your credit cards and more on your revolving debt. And small business owners are using the revolving credit lines, prime plus, it will get a little bigger. Housing slumps because of housing mortgage rates. And Joe wants us to believe that his number one priority is dealing with inflation. The stock market hit a crash number yesterday.
We took from our petroleum strategic stockpile that was filled when Trump was in office. We purchased and filled the tanks at about $40/barrel and are now using a million barrels a day and now they are ready to refill the tanks at $80/barrel. We have shipped some of those barrels oversea and sold them to China and now we are buying them back at $80/barrel
While you are only spending $50-60 at a time at the grocery store and not buying the cheaper store brands. While some in the world are making more as the interest rates go up. And some don’t care if the price of bacon goes up. But for you and I, we are concerned. But we do know the royals got together for dinner last night.
Biden’s stumbling victory lap! President celebrates making progress on inflation despite stock markets' worst 2 day as it tumbles 1200 points for the worst day since June 2020. Joe said it will take more time to bring inflation down in response to the CPI report.
The increased cost of groceries are causing people to use buy now pay later apps to pay for groceries. The story was brought to you by BKP about 2 weeks ago. People are resorting to off brand items.
Prices are up and you only get mugged if you go downtown.

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