Hyungjin Sean Moon, his hopes for Mother - Hear the real story

2 years ago

This is a 2-sections clip from an interview prepared by Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary – USA
January 21, 2016
Hyung Jin Moon, in addition to being the second king representing his father Sun Myung Moon, king of kings, he is a true patriot and warrior.
He feels the responsibility to continue on his Father’s footsteps, the building of God’s nation on earth, the Cheon Il Guk, for the future generation to come.
On the internet, you can find many talks and opinions from different peoples who do not know or do not want to know the real story behind the divisions of the unification Church.
Here is an accurate and sincere testimony from Hyungjin Sean Moon, son of both Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han.
Here is the story
We were hoping that Mother would humble herself before Father, and lift him up. You know if she was like Mother Teresa, who would humble herself before Christ, and just praise him and glorify him, and share all the deep intimate things of love and all the deep intimate moments you had with him, and all the beautiful close moments that she was gifted with.
If she shared that, and she glorified him, and if she lifted him up as her Savior, if she lifted him up as her Messiah, that she was a sinner, as the Bible says “filthy rags before God,” but then through Christ, through Father, she was reborn and she was made new, and she was a new creature, then she could stand in this position with Father.

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