One in a million! 1 in a 1,000,000

2 years ago


So often we spend so much energy SELLING OURSELVES on why we can’t make it, and we are shocked by the fact that we have a hard time motivating ourselves to do what it takes to succeed. The first step to success is to SELL YOURSELF on WHY YOU CAN AND WILL WIN. Every belief we have, we bought into at some point. Either someone sold it to us or we sold ourselves on it. Take control of the sales pitch & buy into the things that will elevate you and your life.

Truth is I never became a professional soccer player, but by buying into the idea I became so much better at the game & in the process learned valuable lessons about hard work, discipline, persistence and sacrifice that made all the difference for me in my journey of entrepreneurship and helped me excel in that pursuit. If I never went after that dream I would not be the person I am today and would have no where near the level of success. It’s not always about whether you win or lose, it’s more about wanting to win so you push yourself to your limits and become a better version of yourself in the pursuit of that goal

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