Roof Breaking Faith

1 year ago

It was exciting. The crowd pressed to hear the words of Jesus. Four men desperately wanted to bring the paralytic man to Christ at Capernaum. So much so, they resorted to radical means.

Mark 2: 3-12, And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. (4) And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. (5) When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee… (11) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. (12) And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.


Verse 1 Jesus was in the House.

People are everywhere. He preached the Word unto them. The Word creates Faith.

Jesus creates faith in the human heart. The Word is mixed with faith. The Word brings the miracle of life and salvation. Faith in His Name. Faith in Christ.

People are everywhere. So many people, they can’t get in.

Verse 4 They broke up the roof.

These people were moved to get the man to Jesus. They had to get the man to Jesus. People would have been really disturbed.

Faith drove them to take action… They absolutely HAD to get this man to Jesus. Nothing would stop them…

What are some of the obstacles that are stopping people in our community coming to Christ? Let us break through…


Verse 5 Jesus saw their faith.
• God honours faith.
• God responds to faith.
• God is looking for faith.

When He comes, will He find faith on the earth?

Faith will be seen. Faith will be evident. Faith will be demonstrated.

Let us be a people of faith. A people who believe God.

Are we the church in action? The church reaching out? Caring enough to take a risk. Caring enough to pay the price…

Jesus also saw the unbelief of the religious ones… He saw into their hearts… He searches the hearts today…


Look at the words Jesus says: Son, thy sins be forgiven thee!

We must bring all men to Jesus.

He was palsied, paralysed. Someone who couldn’t walk. There’s some who can’t help themselves… Can’t do anything…

It was worth tearing up a roof to get a man to Jesus… He was worth the efforts of four men…

These men cared enough to help a man who couldn’t help himself…

It takes compassion to be a witness. A love for souls… We also have need of courage. Courage to stand for Christ. To take action for Christ.

Let’s take courage. Let’s get up on the roof…

These four men worked together using their gifts and abilities. Love will find a way. We’re going through the roof.

Bring men to Jesus. Bring all men to Jesus. By all means to Jesus.

At all costs… There was a cost here.

Do we care about souls? It’s worth the cost. Do whatever it takes.

All of you. Bring all men, by all means, to Jesus… Get people to Jesus.

It was different.

They did not mind the cost. Difficult circumstances did not deter them.

Everything we do - all that we seek to do as a church - should be a stretcher to get people to Jesus. That should be the end result of all that we do... We need to use every scriptural means to get people to Jesus.

Will we care enough about the lost? Will we take pains and effort to bring them to the Saviour?

• Jesus will create the faith
• Jesus will see the faith
• Jesus will honour the faith.

We all need Jesus today. To get closer to Him… To take what measures we can to bring others unto our Lord.

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