Marley the Australian Cow Dog plays frisbee

2 years ago

The Australian Cattle Dog, also known as Cattle Dog and Australian Heeler was originally bred to help farmers out on their ranches in (you guessed it) Australia. Thus, this dog breed have been used for cattle herding. As a working dog, they have a lot of energy: they constantly need to be active for them to be happy.

Temperament and Personality

An Australian Cattle Dog is loyal to his owner. Therefore, they are ideal family dogs; often, they don’t even mind sharing the house with a few house-cats. They are so affectionate to their owners that they are considered as being “Velcro” dogs; they always want to spend time with their owners.

ACD are friendly dogs, and—if they’re trained properly—they love spending time with their canine friends. They are friendly and outgoing, which also helps them befriend other dogs. They are very focused: ​they will concentrate on a given task, and work hard to complete it until ​they're satisfied.

Furthermore, ​they are also robust: ​they are well-adapted to different physical environments. They don't tire quickly, and thanks to their impressive athletic skills—​they can walk for long distances without complaint. In particular, this is due to their origin as ranch dogs. ​Th​ey can also tolerate working or exercising for long hours.

All in all, playing Frisbee with Australian Cattle Dogs is easy and fun. Because of their extremely active nature, love for physical activity, and affection for you and your family, playing with them is indeed an enjoyable experience.

Also, playing will help sharpen their reflexes, engage them mentally, and ensure that they don’t get into any trouble like being destructive when bored.

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