Feeding My Tarantulas HORN Worms, NOT Gummy Worms!

3 years ago

It is time to set the record straight and make clear ONCE and FOR ALL the difference between Horn Worms and Gummy Worms. I mentioned in my last podcast with @tarantula kat that is annoys me when she calls horn worms "GUMMY WORMS" in her feeding video. And what is worse is that other YouTubers like @Reptiliatus are now doing it as well. She initially blamed @The Dark Den for calling them gummy worms first, but there is no doubt she popularized the ridiculous name. THEN she makes a feeding video, calling me out, and continually calling her Horn Worms GUMMY WORMS! Well, two can play this game Mrs. Tarantula Kat.

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00:00 Intro
01:02 Horn Worms NOT Gummy Worms
02:53 Pamphobeteus vespertinus
03:23 Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma
4:00 Theraphosa apophysis
04:25 Theraphosa blondi
04:53 Phormictopus auratus
05:25 Pterinochilus murinus
05:56 Xenesthis immanis
06:32 Pamphobetus sp.
07:03 Bonnetina cyaneifemur
07:42 Pamphobeteus sp. tigris
08:38 Acanthoscurria geniculata
09:21 Homoeomma sp. Blue

#spider #TarantulaCollective #tarantula

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