2 years ago

Ada County Magistrate Judge Daniel Steckel (Sticky) gets really touchy and serious about people publishing public records of him without Administrative District Judge Steven Hippler's permission. Why is this?
Who are they to order people not to publish with threat of arrest and charges?! What law does it violate to publish public records of public court trials?
"Courts of justice shall be open to every person" ID Con. A1 S18
"In all criminal prosecutions, the party accused shall have the right to a...public trial." ID Con A1 S13
"Every person may freely...publish on all subjects" ID Con A1 S9
"Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech, or of the press" US Con Amendment 1
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a...public trial" US Con Amendment 6
Why did those who wrote the Constitutions think it was important for trials to be open to the public and for people to be able publish freely?
So "selective publishing" is not proper? Well, isn't the full record available for purchase to anyone who wants to see the context? Is Sticky mad that people can give opinions different than his? Is he mad that he can't keep acting like a jackass tyrant bitch without people knowing about it? Vote no on Daniel Steckel. He is violating the constitutions and this is evidence of usurpation and abuse of power.

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