🎤A Voice In The Wilderness🌲 - Rant About The Independent Grocers In Perth, Ontario, Canada

2 years ago

🎤A Voice In The Wilderness🌲 - Rant About The Independent Grocers In Perth, Ontario, Canada.

Fuel prices are going down but grocery prices keep going up. Why? An obvious case of price gouging by these criminals running Independent Grocers amongst others.

Even worse lots of shelves are empty, if you're going to rip us off then at least have full shelves.

How much more are Canadians willing to take before we all put a stop to this nonsense?

The Independent Grocer in Perth Ontario amongst others has been for years price gouging locals because of the tourist trade. They seem to have forgotten that we support them year-round.

If they actually gave a crap about any of us locals they would give us cards for 10% off or something and stop price gouging and blaming fuel prices.

This is a disease that is occurring across Canada.

How stupid do these people think Canadians are?

How much more are we going to grab ankle for these gangsters?

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Canadian - American living in the Canadian wilderness.

My OPINIONS & COMMENTARY on the state of everything, politics, events, news, people, and much more.

I'm not politically correct nor am I afraid to upset the cart.

But I do not tolerate discrimination against; religious beliefs, political beliefs and association, racism, sexism, ageism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or who you associate with etc.

I despise the Democrats as much as the Republicans. They are one and the same. The same holds true for our Canadian political parties.

Right, and Left politics are passé.

It is not about right vs left anymore, its about people vs power

They are the RULING ELITE, and ALL of us right or left, middle-class and poor are the 99% are being squashed by them.

Time to unite against them, no matter who you are.

The poor, the working poor, blue-collar workers, and middle-class people of ALL political stripes need to unite against the rich elites.

I identify as a "SOCIAL-Libertarian" in my political beliefs if you must know. Don't know what that is? LOOK IT UP. ;)

Love me or hate me you'll know where I stand.

Do not just hear me LISTEN to me.

Maybe you'll learn something or maybe you won't, couldn't give a shit either way. ;) lol

That's all I gotta say about that!

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#AVoiceInTheWilderness #pricegouging #IndependentGrocers #PerthOntario #canada

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