The toad that produces 5-meo DMT - Terence McKenna

2 years ago

"The world is not only stranger than we suppose, it's stranger than we can suppose."

Bufo Alvarius, the Colorado River Toad is a large toad indigenous to northern Mexico and the Southwestern USA. It is often found in the Sonoran Desert and banks of the lower Colorado River. It secretes a toxin, 5-methoxy-DMT, as a defense mechanism. 5-meo-DMT is toxic and deadly to the toad's natural predators, but to humans it causes powerful hallucinations. The toad has been used in shamanic rituals for millenia.

Join McKenna as he tells us more about this fascinating creature, and more tales of his explorations with DMT.

Terence McKenna combined a leprechaun's wit with a poet's sensibility to brew a New Age stew with ingredients including flying saucers, elves and the I Ching. The essential seasoning was the psychedelic mushrooms that transformed his life and that he recommended -- in ''heroic doses'' -- for virtually everyone.

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