Episode 15 of the open1 podcast coming soon!

1 year ago

Episode 15 of the open1 podcast coming soon!

This is a special episode as our friends from New Zealand, Counterspin Media, are spearheading a challenge against the government there.

They are being charged with insane jail time and fines for sharing a link challenging the official narrative regarding the Christchurch shooting back in 2019.

But this only one piece of the puzzle that has been the pushback New Zealand has gone through with its own independent media and activist movement.

The court case is on the 21st September 10am NZ time.

Check counterspinmedia.com from 8am NZ time onwards on the 21st to see a livestream.

I will also touch base with them again to get an update on what has happened as I believe every truther around the world should know what is going on there.

Big ups to Kerry Murray from the United Free Press being the bridge to allowing this interview to happen.

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