Charleston County GOP Uses Police Threatens Arrest Of Maga Republicans. Enough Is Enough.

2 years ago

when 40 people (or more) began recording the #charlestonsc #republican party meeting yesterday, leadership made sure that only 2 were escorted out of the building and threatened with arrest. both were dues paying members. here is video of one of those two, and here is Corey Allen's take on the whole situation. a situation that seems to have sprung up between two factions within the state fighting for control and power.
Let me say this. The Overton Group & The Overton Report believe in We, The People. We aren't interested in factional intra-party nonsense. We will always align our loyalties upon Principles, NEVER base our loyalties on people.
The tag-line for The Overton Group will ALWAYS remain: "Principles OVER Personalities" end of story.
The Overton Group

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