Looking for Mayfield Ice Cave - Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area - Scenic Mt Shasta

2 years ago

I'm searching for Mayfield Ice Cave in Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area, east of Mt Shasta, California. This cave is relatively well documented but not easy to find. Based on a rough location on a map I set out to look for it. The map contained a road that was supposed to lead to the cave, but that road no longer exists - part is still visible but heavily overgrown with bushes and blocked by a fallen tree. I do think I found the location eventually and found an opening blocked by a large rock which in all likelyhood was the old entrance to the cave - now blocked off.

"Medicine Lake Highlands is the largest identified volcano (in total area) within California, and is one of the most unique geologic features in North America. Because this subrange of the Cascades is somewhat remote, the fascinating nature of this area is largely unappreciated."
~ from Visitor Guide to the Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area

August 25, 2022

Beyond the story
Beyond belief
Dwells freedom


#LavaCave #Nature #Volcano #MedicineLakeHighlands #ScenicMtShasta

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