Protecting Your Privacy with Efani

2 years ago

Picture this scenario. You wake up in the morning, pick up your cell phone and discover you have no service provider. You have been sim-jacked, with all info connected to your phone number in the hands of a thief. Bank accounts, email and crypto accounts are all vulnerable. It happened to Travis and it happens every day to unsuspecting mobile users.

Today we welcome Haseeb Awan of Efani to the show to discuss how to protect yourself from being sim-jacked. If you think it can’t happen to you, you may be in for a rude awakening on our protect yourself before you wreck yourself episode #633 of The Bad Crypto Podcast.

Full Show Notes at:


CO-HOST TRAVIS WRIGHT WAS SIM HACKED IN 2017!! Listen to the harrowing tale in Episode #041 of The Bad Crypto Podcast:


00:00 - Intro
04:00 - Haseeb Awan of Efani joins Bad Crypto, poolside and IRL. Efani has found a way to make SIM cards for mobile phones un-swappable. Travis had a T-Mobile SIM swap hack happen to him, which we covered in Bad Crypto #041.
05:17 - Haseeb, tell us what you see as broken in the mobile phone world.
07:13 - Travis talks about U.S. fiat currency serial numbers being linked to U.S. citizen social security numbers.
09:43 - Telephone numbers have become our identity.
09:54 - How would somebody swap somebody’s SIM card and take their phone number, which then basically gives them access to reset passwords on critical private accounts?
11:38 - The most famous SIM hack was Michael Terpin, where he had about 100 Bitcoin stolen. It is even hard to get bad actors prosecuted in court.
14:43 - One way to get SIM swapped is through these cartels operating directly through the mobile carriers. Another way is through social engineering. Explain how that works.
16:22 - Joel, what was your set-up with your wireless carrier and how did you get your security levels increased?
19:05 - It taught us really early: DO NOT KEEP CRYPTO ON YOUR PHONE.
19:55 - The Dark Web has SIM swapping as a service. It is very nefarious. You can but call logs, locations, and more.
20:19 - Travis had his Find my iPhone turned on during his SIM swap and could see his perpetrator’s location.
22:04 - Listen really closely. IF you are on a main stream carrier and your SIM card can be swapped, your bank account, email, crypto, and personal information is at risk. Efani is an un-swappable SIM.
23:00 - Joel changed to an Efani SIM card on his iPhone several years ago. Here’s how Efani works.
26:13 - I feel very safe with this plan, and I’m having the same service - unlimited talk, text, data, 5G, international talk. How do I get global coverage if there aren’t Efani towers out there?
27:20 - How does international coverage work with Efani?
29:50 - Travis uses two SIM cards in his phone. Electronic SIM card is something that will change a lot of things.
32:08 - Joel has signed up for Efani about a year ago. We are going to encourage you guys to do this as well. It is $99 a phone line, 90-day 100% money back guarantee, encrypted SIM card included, 24/7 customer support and no contracts. What can you do for BAD CRYPTO LISTENERS? First month free.
39:16 - Outro


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Do your own due diligence and research. Joel Comm and Travis Wright are NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORS. We are sharing our journey with you as we learn more about this crazy little thing called cryptocurrency. We make NO RECOMMENDATIONS. Don't take anything we say as gospel. Do not come to our homes with pitchforks because you lost money by listening to us.

We only share with you what we are learning and what we are investing it. We will never "pump or dump" any cryptocurrencies. Take what we say with a grain of salt. You must research this stuff on your own! Just know that we will always strive for RADICAL TRANSPARENCY with any show associations.

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