Spotted Black snake (Blue-bellied black snake) (Pseudechis guttatus)

1 year ago

This lesser-known snake is shy, and avoids contact with humans. It prefers drier inland areas.
The body is a dark glossy black, with or without cream spots. The head is slightly distinct from the neck. average length is around 1.25m, maximum length 2m. They are oviparous (egg-laying). When threatened, the blue-bellied black snake flattens its body and emits a loud whistling hiss.

Found in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Average venom output of this snake is unknown. The toxicity (in mice) of blue-bellied black snake venom is the highest of any of the black snakes. Bites are infrequent, and may cause severe local pain and regional lymphadenpathy. Tiger snake antivenom is the treatment of choice.

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