UPDATE! Emperor of the Fading Suns is getting a NEW VERSION!

1 year ago

Emperor of the Fading Suns is getting an update from the developers, nearly 25 years after it was released originally!

The base game was fun but flawed and I'm hoping this patch removes the need for mods for people who want to play it vanilla. It also adds proper modding framework to allow modders to do all kinds of weird and wonderful things with it!

The game is really cheap over at Good Ol' Games, less than £5 or your local equivalent. I'd recommend playing it, even before the patch is released, as it has some truly unique mechanics, with the kind of innovations we're lacking in today's efforts.

The developer playing the new patch (Part 1): https://youtu.be/sWKslzMzt8w

Get EoFS at GOG.com: https://www.gog.com/en/game/emperor_of_the_fading_suns

Here is Oliver Mezmorki's excellent article on the game: https://explorminate.co/emperor-of-the-fading-suns-classical-excavation/

Come check us out at https://www.explorminate.co

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