Lila Rose Discusses Fetal Anomaly On Dr. Phil

1 year ago

Dr. Phil’s team chose to center the entire show around an extremely tragic case of a mother whose baby had a fetal anomaly that was life-threatening, in an attempt to justify abortion.

“Carry my baby to bury my baby,” was the line used. What they never acknowledged is that abortion kills a baby and that the baby would still need to be buried - or thrown away in medical waste. The reality is abortion doesn’t solve or heal or any problem— it only kills a baby.

In cases of life-threatening conditions for preborn children, perinatal, palliative care and hospice care can be offered to the baby so that if they pass in utero or shortly after birth, they have the best medical care and are treated with dignity.

Special care should also be offered to the mother and grieving family. Killing the baby before he or she dies naturally is never the solution. It violates the fundamental principle of medicine - to heal, or provide comfort, never to harm.

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