Let Our Sisters Swim - At the Stone of Free Speech in Hampstead Heath #LetWomenSwim

1 year ago

This footage was filmed during the Let Our Sisters Swim (LOSS) event in Hampstead Heath on Saturday 27/08/2022. It was organised by Venice Allan, with Catherine Heseltine, and supported by Standing For Women.

Sign the petition to keep single-sex or private changing facilities in swimming venues here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/622145

We started outside the gates of Kenwood Ladies' Pond: https://youtu.be/Fu5qUiaASBQ
Then we marched through the park: https://youtu.be/BSkGaCqfjR8
To end up at the Stone of Free Speech. Here we listened to speakers, participated in a costume contest, and had a wonderful picnic.

00:00 end of march, settling down at the stone
00:52 costume competition
03:17 Maria MacLachlan reading IrishChild's poem
05:02 merry sing song with Julia Long to close the picnic

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