Real War in America?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

INTRO – Is there an ACTUAL war going on at the border? Shots fired! Ben Bergquam joins us to discuss it.

AND Agenized curriculums across the USA with Brent Haynes.

ALSO – Share-a-thon

According to a 2022 MCCA survey... most Major Cities have experienced up to a 50 percent increase in homicides and a roughly 36 percent increase in aggravated assaults.
The Christian bakers who were slammed with fines and ultimately lost their business after they refused to bake a cake for a gay “wedding” are once more bringing their case before the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing the state violated their due process and First Amendment rights.
Twitter on Monday covered up a video that showed parents obscene materials made available to children by public schools.
Americans in 2021 once again spent more on average on taxes than they did on food, clothing, and healthcare combined, according to recently released data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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What’s Concerning Us – Radical Curriculum in schools across the USA.
Guest Seg. Ben Bergquam – Real America's Voice reporter – the war on the Border

Joe Social Media
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YouTube: Joe McClane

Rudy Social Media
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Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

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