when everyone around you is also addicted...

1 year ago

predictions from 2006
social networks would make everyone insane
donald fing trump
many people don't like him
anxiety attack, nomophobia
clinical terms for everything nowadays
how do you treat this particular addiction problem
engulfed in technology
getting sober in the french quarter
commies at least allow alcoholism
it ain't just an american problem
technology has given us equality
this dependency does not discriminate
forgot my original point, of course
no comparison to this to express the gravity of this
the only difference...not my words this time
this addiction IS being encouraged...no commercials or awareness programs prevalent quite like the 5g towers and apple stores and tmobile/verizon
you don't have to tell me, it freaks me out
everything literally...why doesn't this scare people more
this one thing
yes this is such a weird thing about this culture
what's the point in learning when using a retardation device
this is blair witch project filmmaking again, sari
they're fucked, we're not fucked
highly likely to get into way worse diarrhea doodoo
my existence don't revolve around this stupid ass idol worshipping system
voting to be enslaved, swiping to be enslaved...
it's like you want...to be enslaved
video cuts off here sari vortex

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