How to spot Takeover Tactics in Online Communities (and not spread bullshit)

2 years ago

You might have seen this happen in the 2020 Election. It happened in 2016 too. And pretty much all the time since then, but particularly when things get heated, such as when war happens.

You have to know that you are a target, and getting you to share bullshit is the name of the game.

Information Warfare, my friends, is here to stay. And that is why you need to be able to spot it and deal with it early. I'll try to give some tips on how to be a responsible sharer/influencer and not let yourself be used as a propaganda mule.

I will revisit some older material on how Facebook Groups get compromised. This could apply to any community, naturally.

This is also part of an upcoming course on "Responsible Influence and Healthy Communities", which is launching soon.

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