Alright I'm going to do Australian Election stuff (yes, rants)

2 years ago

Truth is, unless I am working on a campaign, I tend to ignore them. They annoy me. Election night is where I perk up and have 4 TVs (and will definitely be streaming), but I generally find campaigns boring and predictable.

I also get annoyed by people being stupid. And people are weapons grade stupid at election time.

What I'll do today is go through some of the funny AEC misconceptions they've had to correct, and most definitely some rants about people who bitch and moan that there's 'no information' (lol) or don't know how voting works, or fall for bullshit, do no reading and then complain about literally everything in their lives... and no everyone is not 'entitled to an opinion'. You're entitled to a vote. They aren't the same thing.

Yeah, this is why I ignore election season I end up raging. Too many idiots talking politics as it is... elections make it so much more unbearable. But Saturday night? That's where I shine and watch the chaos.

It doesn't matter. Morons decide our elections. All we can do is keep the system robust enough so that there are checks and balances to contain the damage done by weaponised stupid.

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