GBN - Statman Jamie Jenkins Proves Vaccine Mandates are Nonsense

2 years ago

GBN Network Interviews Statman Jamie Jenkins Who Proves with Data Results from a Few Other Countries That Vaxx Mandates are Nonsense and a waste of revenue and resources...As the Un-Vaccinated in MANY age brackets are not at risk unless they have an Underlying issue that hampers them, from the past and present...."PROOF is TRUTH" Don't Let a Statman lie....Let them compare sources for stats and duke it out...NO more one sided Arguements and Using TV to push a Narrative of the POWERFUL Donaters whom control them all and pay their salaries....The Owners of The TV Networks are Literally creating chaos and division for breakfast lunch & Dinner...and Must Be Stopped By created Laws in which those whom claim to be the NEWS and NOT Entertainment must ONLY report Live Current un sponsored News articles and footage...and do it RAW and without pre determined board of directors approved Q&A and topics....Journalists MUST be free to Do their Job...SERIOUSLY.....and the NEWS isn't Supposed to be Entertainment TV with pre programmed narratives for topics of national interest...The madness MUST STOP...."PROOF is TRUTH"

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