Dr. Mikolaj Raszek discusses new evidence of jabs causing VAIDS

2 years ago

Dr. Mikolaj Raszek explains how the COVID jabs not only INCREASE the chance of the getting COVID (re)infections, but shingles too, and basically all other so-called infectious diseases.

Ever more evidence is emerging of the jabs causing serious harm to the immune system, which not only increases your chance of getting infections, but also of cancer. After all, the immune system is imperative in killing cancerous cells. If the immune system is not functioning well, cancerous cells may grow unfettered.

One pertinent question is whether the damaged immune system will recover after you stop injecting. See also the following article and quote by Igor Chudov:

Yes, Covid Vaccines UNSET and ERASE Natural Immunity

"We have three possibilities:

* (better) Does the Pfizer Covid vaccine delete ONLY Sars-Cov-2 immunity?
* (worse) Are Covid vaccines more like measles, erasing all immune memory?
* (the worst) Are Covid vaccines WORSE than measles, preventing any future immune reactions from forming? Are frequent reinfections in boosted people happening because of this?

I cannot answer this based on just the above NEJM article. But I must note that there are plenty of anecdotes of vaccinated people having all sorts of frequent ailments, not just Covid, after vaccination, that should make us look into vaccines suppressing immune systems."


More evidence of vaccine negative effectiveness and mounting evidence of infection complications seen in vaccinated individuals. Most importantly, we summarise the author’s 5 ways how to help protect the immune system of patients to minimize risks.

Described content:
Infections post-surgery:

Lance negative VE: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2822%2900089-7/fulltext

Immune system protection: https://www.termedia.pl/Five-important-preventive-measures-against-exacerbation-of-coronavirus-disease,118,44963,1,1.html

Lipid emulsion risks: https://www.termedia.pl/Risk-of-propofol-use-for-sedation-in-COVID-19-patient,118,42287,1,1.html

"COVID-19 - Q and A for the People#14" event on ZOOM:

Epigenetic aging DNA test survey: https://forms.gle/MWy1USV5QpiJ7nSFA

Holistic proactive wellbeing event: moneyminddna.ca or https://merogenomics.eventbrite.ca

Dr. Raszek Credentials: https://merogenomics.ca/en/about/

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