Now We See God | Sermon 9/11/2022

2 years ago

John 1:14-18

For the first time since verse one the Word is addressed; bringing us back to the truths of His eternality and deity at the beginning of the Prologue. The Word-God took on flesh. He didn’t simply take the form of a man supernaturally but taking on flesh He has flesh, blood, bones, and a soul. All that means to be human the Word assumed in the incarnation. However, the truths of verse one remain. All at once, the Word is God and He is man; with no mixture or fusion of the two natures. He is the God-Man. To save creation, He became as the creation.

He tabernacled among us and answered Moses’ prayer to God to show him His glory. And that glory is full of grace and truth, the very same glory the LORD displayed in the Old Testament times (Ex. 33-34). The Word is the μονογενής of the Father. This word shows us He is unique, the one and only Son of the Father, unparalleled in His sonship. John the Baptist demonstrates that eternal and creaturely tension as well. The Word-made-flesh came after him in regard to His humanity but was eternally before Him in His deity. Christ is superior in every respect!

The Greek says we have all received grace in place of grace. This demonstrates that although the giving of the Law and establishing a covenant with a people was gracious, in Christ grace and truth are more fully realized. We have gone from God who has given to His people to now God who has come to His people. The hard reality is no one has ever seen the invisible God, the LORD almighty. But the One who has been eternally πρὸς τὸν θεόν (face to face with the Father) has also intimately been in the bosom of the Father and is therefore, in a position to reveal Him. The God-Man makes the invisible become visible. We see God in Jesus Christ.

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