The Vaccine Aftermath - Who SHOULD Take the Fall?

1 year ago

Who will be blamed? So many opinions.
Does it come down to a personal responsibility?

Many are saying I, or someone I know, took the jab because Trump said to and he was our President!

I can not say I agree with or understand this way of thinking. Why?
Because he was my President too. As well as many other Americans.
We heard him say these words as well. Yet we still was not waivered!
Not once did I ever think - I better rethink this because Trump got it.
While I feel Trumps words and action persuaded many to make poor choices - I do not feel anyone can say "Trump made me do it". Everyone had a choice. I quit my job and started home-schooling my grandchildren.
This was not what I wanted for my life at that time but I am glad I kept our household vaccine free.

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