How do you receive the light?

2 years ago

How do you receive the light? (The Lamp Stand Mark 4:21-25)
Have you ever been around someone who is going to do things their way no matter what? There may be a better way to do it, but you can forget mentioning it to them because they are going to do it the way they want to do it. You can say that they are stubborn, just set in their ways, or just downright difficult but any way you put it they are will not receive good council when it is offered. They have already made up their mind and there is nothing that anyone is going to say or do to change their opinion. Everyone reading this blog is probably thinking of someone in their present or past that meets this description, but rarely do they think of themselves in this light when they reject truths in their own life. God’s word was given to us to show us the right path that would lead us into eternal security yet many simply refuse to change their ways and embrace the truth.
In verse 24 when Jesus said that we should be very careful what you do with the truth He was saying, are you going to ignore it or apply it to your life? Are you going to be like the stubborn co-worker who is going to always do it their way are you going to let the Truth set you free? When we run into the light (Truth) are we going to let it hurt our feelings or are we going to allow it to transform us? When the light reveals that something in our life is not right are we going to get mad at the Light and heap abuse on it or make the hard decision and put our life in line with the Truth. The light is not meant to offend or ridicule anyone, it is meant to open your eyes and lead you on a path to freedom. How we respond to the light when it appears in our life will determine whether we spend eternity in the arms of a loving Savior or eternal separation from God in Hell.

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