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Clay Clark the Chief of the “Time to Free America”

2 years ago

HNewsWire: Clay Clark the chief of the “Time to Free America” organization and countrywide tour, joined The Two Mikes to discuss current events this afternoon for a quick interview. Mr. Clark quickly made his major points:

–The Bill-and-Melinda Gates Foundation founded an organization named the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Fifteen months ago, the organization predicted the Monkey-Pox pandemic that the Globalists are claiming exists and is spreading today.

–WHO chief Tedros is convening an emergency meeting this week to begin the process of re-masking people, arranging lockdowns and to warn nations who intend to tell the WHO and Globalist fascists to bugger-off that they will be the regarded as enemies of the rest of the world and will be treated as such.

–Mr. Clark played videos to document those points, and two more with Globalist Helen Clark and WHO official Michael Ryan, both whom publicly told their audiences that national sovereignty is being brought to a close.

Mr. Clark’s website is: https://www.timetofreeamerica.com

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Great interview StevieRay. Clay is a treasure of dot connecting info. But, if the mid term elections go well for us, based on who can cheat the best, because let's face it if we are stuck using the same machines there is no hope of a fair and honest election, buyden's plans will go by-by. I believe Rev.17 still tells how this part of the story ends. Buckle up! And Maranatha!!

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