The Poorly-Understood Role of Copper in Anemia- Interview with Morley Robbins and Dr. Mercola

2 years ago

Morley Robbins, MBA, CHC, a repeat guest, is the founder of the Magnesium Advocacy Group. He’s best known as the Magnesium Man, and is the author of “Cu-RE Your Fatigue: The Root Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own,” in which he explains the roles of magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins A and D and other essential nutrients.

Iron and copper are highly interdependent and need to be considered together. If you don’t have enough copper in your diet, hemoglobin production becomes impaired, along with many other aspects of iron metabolism.

Being anemic does not automatically mean that you’re iron deficient. Anemia typically relates to impaired iron recycling, not deficiency, and impaired iron recycling is caused by copper and retinol deficiency.

The best way to lower excess iron is to donate blood, one to four times a year. Most adult men and postmenopausal women have high iron and could benefit from regular blood donation, as high iron is extremely toxic and destroys health. An even better strategy is to remove smaller amounts of blood every month.

To raise your copper level, you could use a copper supplement, but foods like grass-fed beef liver, bee pollen and whole food vitamin C are better.

If you’re a farmer or grow your own food, the best way to put copper back into the soil, to get it into the food, is to add copper sulfate. Before you plant, simply spray the soil with copper sulfate, 10 to 15 pounds per acre, or use a copper sulfate foliage spray.

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