End Time Prophecy. Demonic Spaceships Land to Help. When will it Happen?

2 years ago

Yes, there will be a day when demonic spaceships land to help. Divine prophecy fulfilled. I believe that is at least part of the Bible's Strong Delusion. And yes, spaceships are demonic.

Shortly after the coming rapture of the church, the days of tribulation will reveal the Antichrist and False Prophet. New Agers, Scientologists, Eastern Gurus, Our Government agencies, the History Channel and other TV show and movies have been grooming us to believe in the ancient astronaut religion and now untold millions believe extraterrestrial beings came to earth very early in our history, bringing us sudden advancement and will return to save our "climate destroying society" from ourselves. Ever congress is holding hearing basically saying OFOs or UAPs are real and we don't understand their technology, but they don't know where they came from.

I believe they came from a demonic dimension not another planet.

Christianity teaches there are spiritual realms or dimensions where God holy angels are fighting Satan's evil angels (Ephesian 6). I agree with a host of Christian leader who believe UFOs come the realm where Satan's angels exist. We know the false prophet will be a religious leader. After prayer and much Bible study, I am convinced that Christ prophecy of the days of tribulation "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him." will be fulfilled when an armada of spaceships land immediately following the rapture on Jerusalem's Mount of Olives where Christ ascended and the Bible says he will return. An alien who looks much like a human will exit and declare that he is the Christ. That being will be the False Prophet.

Satan is a deceiver and this will be his mirror image of Christ's return

View this video for Biblical proof.

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