1 year ago

So, if you've already seen "Talk-the-Bunny" videos (1 through 3), you already understand the value of “being in the Question"; you understand the importance of "Transparency" in government; and how "Medical Freedom" and bodily autonomy is the foundation upon which many of our freedoms sit. With video #4, you'll see how blindly following the crowd, can bring you to places you may not want to wind up. As an Elementary-school aged child, I was rushed onto a train without adult supervision. It was the wrong train, going in the wrong direction and bound for the wrong state! Learning early on, it's never a good idea to board a train, if you don't really know its destination, ...the lesson stuck! Our critical-thinking skills are tested yet again, with this parody (re-write) of Billy Strayhorn's 1939 Jazz Hit, "Take the A Train".
But all said, there IS a train we can feel good about boarding!!! Check it out!!

This Video is Dedicated to all those who lost their lives showing the rest of us how to stand up!
Rated PG

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