Church Teaching in Action: Youth and Sexual Purity

2 years ago

A September 2020 youth fireside at the La Cantera Stake in San Antonio TX included a discussion of sexual purity. The stake leaders selected youth to read from the "For the Strength of Youth" Pamphlet. The selected segment included the following principles:

- Sexual sins are more serious than any other sins except murder
- Sexual sins are a form of impurity
- The Spirit of the Lord will withdraw from one who is in sexual transgression
- Homosexual and lesbian behavior is a serious sin
- Sexual intimacy outside of marriage leads to emotional and spiritual damage

This fireside serves as a practical example of how the teachings of the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet are given to the youth in recent years.

See the full Fireside here:

See the "For the Strength of Youth" section on sexual purity here:

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