Story Collection 1 🕊 (Animated Story Time)

1 year ago

The first compilation of my stories in a horizontal format. Not everyone likes vertical style video, so I try to design my shorts in a way where they can eventually be enjoyed in a horizontal format. I will also be upgrading the presentation of these over time. Enjoy~


00:00 - I Caught My Cat Doing This

00:41 - Homeless Guy Freaks Out On NYC Subway

01:34 - We Watched Madea Delete A Guy In a Ratchet Movie Theater

02:18 - We Were Shook By A Bird In The Hood

03:00 - My Mom’s Killer Dexter Ringtone

Recorded Text

I Caught My Cat Doing This:
Have you ever seen a pet do something weird? One day I was at home with my cat madonna.
I’m chilling in my room and I notice she’s gone. I figure she might be hiding somewhere and go try to find her. I head downstairs and I hear something strange coming from the dining room.
As I walk closer Iand notice she is…vocalizing. After a few seconds she sees me and we have a staring contest to establish dominance. Eventually she folds and walks to me, rubs against my leg and dips. And that was about the first and last time I ever saw her do anything *that* weird. Anyway Tell me about your weird animal stories in the comments

Homeless Guy Freaks Out On NYC Subway:
No one likes taking the train in New York. So I’m waiting for the train one day, and I’m already in a bad mood… because it’s the 6 train And all I want is a peaceful ride I get in and immediately there’s a homeless man cursing at some lady and her kid This is not a chivalrous man. And in this moment, I am not a brave one, so I said **** those kids and put my headphones on as the homeless dude is screaming another man walks through the train doors, and like everyone else, is confused.
I’m not sure why, but he asks the homeless guy if he wants candy. The homeless man shuts up Puts his hand out and takes the candy. And like some kind of 90s sitcom, everybody in the train starts clapping...And I’m waiting for everyone to shut up, so i can chill. Anyway, leave your stories in the comments if you ever diffused a situation with candy

We Watched Madea Delete A Guy In a Ratchet Movie Theater:
Have you ever been to a ratchet movie theater? My mom wanted me to take her to see a Medea movie If that’s not bad enough we went to the Magic Johnson theater in Harlem
they have signs saying not to bring your guns. My expectations were in hell and All I wanted was to be entertained. As the movie goes on the audience starts getting rowdy. All of a sudden some random lady screams “hit him with the grits”. Which if I’m being honest was hilarious. A minute or two later, Medea hits some guy with a pot of hot grits.
Everyone in the theater starts cheering, laughing and clapping like it was the avengers
It was the perfect theater moment, and made seeing the movie worth it.

We Were Shook By A Bird In The Hood:
Crows are awesome. One day I was play fighting with my brother, and we’re adults at the time by the way. He tries to grab or hit me, but he ends up falling instead. Immediately after the faceplant, we hear laughter, but have no idea where it’s coming from. So we’re looking around and hear the laughter again. And there it is, a giant black bird perched on a light across the street and its cackling at my brother. Once it sees us looking at it, we all seem to have experienced some kind of mutual disbelief and just like that the little guy flies off. Tell me in the comments if you ever caught an animal laughing at you? Did you deserve it?

My Mom’s Killer Dexter Ringtone:
I love you mom. One day I’m giving a college tour . The energy in the group was low, I’m tired and want to get this tour over with. We’re at an older facility and I try to fit a bunch of people on a tiny elevator. We all get in somehow and there’s a moment of awkward silence. Than my mom calls, I’m caught off guard and pick it up. I tell her I’m busy. Everyone in the elevator is confused, but I tell them my mom calls me at random times, so I made that sound clip her ringtone. Then elevator erupted with laughter and the energy went up. Which made for a more enjoyable and memorable tour for everyone

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👨🏾‍💻 About
My personal stories, skits, and short animated films

#️⃣ #kylesamuels #storytime #compilation #manga #shorts #animals #comedy #shortvideo

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What I’m using
🖥 Hardware
- iPad Pro (2018)
- Apple Pencil

⚙️ Software
- Procreate
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe After Effects

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