2 years ago

911 is an extremely difficult day for our nation and the families of the victims who died on 911 and later from their rescue efforts. This video is meant to join us together and inspire people to be involved, be included and be part of Operation Rainbow. Prayer circles, yellow ribbons tied on trees, candles and fellowship are needed more than ever. Think about how you can best serve on this day and consider helping the Rawhide Ranch take rescued kids by donating to them directly at RawhideRanch.com
God bless you and thank you for sharing this mission.
Several events are on blog.Loribella.com on the calendar

We put our plan for building a barn on hold after the results of the 2020 election and the hyper inflation that began. I am trying to assemble catalogs of builders and projects for the Operation Rainbow bookcase I am sharing at Loribella.com

The goals of the bookcases for Operation Rainbow is many faceted. Once we can put the resources together for the people connected to building more kids camps, specialty schools,disabled veterans housing, teaching skills to interns during the process--we can make solve some of the issues facing our society. MikeRoweWorks.org (vocational training and grants) T2T.org Tunnels To Towers (veterans) Scouts In Action and the service organizations with churches are going to be needed.

OURrescue.org and Vets 4 Child Rescue are saving kids and people who are victims of human trafficking. Rebuilding and expanding existing schools, building healing camps, therapy, counseling and rehab will be needed for these adults, teens and kids who have had their lives taken off track by vicious and evil people. RawhideRanch.com is near Rainbow in California and they were locked down for nearly two years. They are already taking kids from all over the country and world and are considered a top rated camp. We need to organize teams and resources and make it easier to get this massive undertaking accomplished by interlinking resources, professionals, volunteers, sponsors and leaders. The military vets are needed for their skills and leadership. LindellRecoveryNetwork.org and MikeRoweWorks.org along with leaders that have existing foundations can lead the way along with caring volunteers and community businesses. This is going to take all of us and that is why I made Loribella.com to help make this vision a reality. Thank you.

Warm wishes and happy celebrations. Let's roll patriots!

Lori Parrish
Operation Rainbow Founder

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