TIMELINES of Agendas

2 years ago

Excuse me for the scattered way I describe the information
I'm still reading through a bunch of material, but it is very clear that there was an incentive created on foundations' behalf to support scientists that supported their vision.
the vision was to create a society of 'civilized' people that conformed to the conditions set before them
I believe certain Control Systems were designed to steer population groups
an example would be 'Democrats' vs 'Republicans'. the illusion begins in the perception of group identity, then comes in rhetoric & ideological, then social paradigms, Then affirmation built by 'authority' figures in the space (Journalists, News publications, Politicians, Writers, etc etc..)
thus creating the illusion of discourse, choice, and distinction when the reality is much scarier than you think.
Politicians, Lobbyists, Funding mechanisms, and even the education of these 'Leaders' were designed by the very people who built the infrastructure.
I'm still writing much about this, so I apologize in advance if there seem to be gaps in my logical analysis.

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNImR5aR6ViHdKOKu0JtMtg
Insta: frog_bearish

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